

Please scroll down for the English version – Two UNNC academics awarded “Best Conference Associate Editor” title at PACIS.




















李伯莹博士和蒲晓蝶博士还在张毓隆教授的指导下,与布鲁内尔大学的Dr. Van Nguyen Truong和格林威治大学的周莉教授合作发表过一篇文章。通过团队的努力,这篇文章最终发表在《欧洲运营管理期刊》,并在2022年获得EURO奖项“Best EJOR paper – Theory and Methodology”。这是一篇ABS-4级别的文章,在《学术期刊指南》-特许商学院协会中为最高排名。




Two UNNC academics awarded “Best Conference Associate Editor” title at PACIS

Recently, two academics from the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC), Dr Boying Li and Dr Jenny Pu, were awarded the title of “Best Conference Associate Editors” at the Pacific-Asia Conference of Information Systems (PACIS). PACIS is the most authoritative source in the field of information systems in the Asia-Pacific region, providing a platform to researchers and practitioners to share their research findings and practices.

Dr Boying Li is currently an Assistant Professor of Marketing and Dr Jenny Pu is an Assistant Professor of Business Analytics at the Nottingham University Business School China (NUBS). It is worth mentioning that both are graduates of UNNC. After graduating from her undergraduate degree, Dr Li chose to study her PhD at UNNC, while Dr Pu chose to return to UNNC to teach after receiving her PhD at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The two UNNC academics had previously participated in PACIS as PhD students while submitting research papers. Now as conference associate editors, they have the added responsibility of overseeing different academics and coordinating their views on published articles.

Although they have been assistant professors for less than five years, both academics have already made their mark in the field. Dr Li has published articles in journals such as Information Systems Journal, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, and International Journal of Production Research. Dr Pu’s research results have also been published in leading international journals such as the International Journal of Operations and Production Management and the European Journal of Operational Research. Dr Pu is currently supervising her PhD students on platform strategy research.

Dr Li and Dr Pu’s research areas are broadly speaking a part of the digital economy and information systems which is a highly recognised discipline at UNNC. In 2021, two UNNC academics, Professor Patrick Chau and Professor Alain Chong, were ranked among the top 2% of scientists in the world for their information systems research by a Stanford-Elsevier report.

Dr Pu said that the time she spent as an undergraduate at UNNC was instrumental in shaping her research direction and career path. She enjoyed the process of conducting academic research so much that she decided to continue to PhD level and return to UNNC to teach. Dr. Li also said that she would not have been able to embark on the road of scientific research without the support of the UNNC teachers. During her undergraduate studies, she became a research assistant to Professor Martin Liu and Professor Chong. She believes she benefited immensely from their academic support and guidance which influenced her decision to continue her research at UNNC.

At present, Dr Li’s research areas include online misinformation, consumer behavior in social media, electronic word-of-mouth, e-commerce and online pro-social behavior. She is also currently researching new areas related to neuroscience and data analysis. Dr Pu’s research interests include e-business, digital supply chains, platform economy, and big data governance. She is particularly focused on how information systems can empower supply chain management and improve supply chain resilience. Under the guidance of Professor Chong, Dr Li and Dr Pu previously collaborated with Dr. Van Nguyen Truong from Brunel University London and Professor Li Zhou from University of Greenwich on a research article which published in the European Journal of Operational Research and won the 2022 EURO award “Best EJOR paper – Theory and Methodology”.

For students who are interested in pursuing academic research at PhD level, Dr Li and Dr Pu advise to not rush into it as it can be an arduous process that requires a lot of resilience. Nonetheless, the two academics believe UNNC provides the optimal environment for aspiring PhD students due to the friendly working environment and the close relationships students have with their supervisors.

图文来源 | 陆嘉琪,Lily Su,NUBS China







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